Sunday, February 6, 2011

Designing New Website For Portfolio - Part 2

My new website has left the Photoshop phase, and is now a working layout. I 've become good at z-indexing for layering my graphics. One of the my other challenges is making the load time faster without loosing the quality of my graphics either.

Check List

  1. Header graphic hot spot - Done
  2. Change 2 small left content graphics
  3. Add text content
  4. Change color and headings of slider menu
  5. Add slider content
  6. Form - fonts size/bold fix z-index - Done
  7. Footer text
  8. Add pages
  9. Cross browser test
  10. Submit
  11. Update layout of blog

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Designing New Website For Portfolio

My current portfolio website was my first time using a tableless css layout. The site is 3 years old, and it's time for a total make over. I've learned a lot since then from always challenging myself. I need to take it to the next level with each new website. The old site was The new site will be

This is the photoshop mock-up.