Thursday, March 19, 2009

New CSS Project - PSD Layout

I'm designing the Photoshop layout for a css website. The website is for my friend's 1977 Ford Pinto Drag Car.

The PSD Layout:

The current website layout:

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My next web design adventure - PHP programming

I'm taking it to the next level. Next month I'm starting my next online class. I want to learn how to create an interactive Web site,
thru PHP programming language. Time to learn new ideas. Create new problems, and learn how to solve them.

Monday, March 9, 2009

New CSS Project

I'm re-designing an html website to a tableless css website. Here is the old layout. ( This is how I used to design websites with heavy graphics and tables. They always seem to work out fine, but I never knew how well they held up in different browsers. I should be done with the css layout in a week.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Website is valid

I just uploaded my web pages. They're all html and css compliant. I have to adjust the footer a little. The text is a little jumpy from one page to the next

html validation link

css validation link

Monday, March 2, 2009

Website Validation and Cross Browser Issues

I'm checking thru all my web pages, and making the html valid. I ran into some issues with the list in the content div section. The line spacing was not consistant across browsers. Also, ie6 would cause the content background image to multiply. I found a list that uses background images for the bullets. So far it holding up, and works across browsers. I will double check on my work computer tommorow.

The list can be found at www.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Web Design Networking

When it comes to networking, I'm on the shy side. Eight months ago, I came across a great networking website called Meetup. It's a networking site for everything thing you can think of. If there is not a group to suit your interests, then just start your own. In know time, you will have a Meetup group. I currently belong to San Diego Web Designers and San Diego CSS Web 2.0 Designers. The CSS group is my favorite. The discusions always tie into what I'm currently studing. At the last meeting, there was a guest speaker who talked about SEO and CSS. I'm just finishing up an SEO class online, so I understood what was being discussed.