Thursday, April 23, 2009

MySQL Database

I just started to build my first database. It was somewhat difficult start, but I'm getting the hang of it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

IE6 or not IE6

I'm relatively new to CSS based websites, and I want them to be semantically correct and validate. I find myself spending a lot of time figuring out how to get my websites to render correctly in ie6. I've read many articles about the pros and the cons. What makes the most sense to me is the audience for a particular website. What percentage of them using ie6 would I be turning away? If it is small enough, then I should not worry about them, and just design a clean and effective website. I can't help not worry about that one person who views my website in IE6, and says it "sucks".

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First PHP Script

Some of what I learn in web design is from taking a part source codes, and re-arranging it. I just learned why I could never see the php code in an html document. The only thing the Web browser sees within the PHP coding sections is any output from the PHP script. The Web server hides all of the PHP code from the client, and the php codes is not present in the source code.

Cool stuff!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

WAMP Server - Version 2.0h

I just downloaded the WAMP Server for my PHP class. Let the fun begin!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today, I started my first PHP class. Now the fun begins.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Absolute Positioning

So I heard at one of my css group meetings that I can position display blocks using absolute positioning. From what I understood, it is way to avoid IE 6 issues with doubling up on the margins. I tried it on the site I'm working on It works fine in Firefox, but not as well in IE6 and IE7. In IE6 only, the right column is lower than the left column. In both IE6 and IE7 the left column cuts of part of the text in the right.

I found an article on A List Apart that might help.